Friday, February 24, 2012

Consciously Unconscious: Exploring The Quantum Reality

How does this illusion we call “reality” work? In other words, if quantum physics is  telling me this computer screen is nothing but a vibration, why is it that I see  this supposed solidity of the material?

It is in fact an illusion that our five senses experience, which is then processed through the material reality filter know as the brain. Now, as we look at an object, which we now know is only a vibration, what actually happens is the translation of light.

Light is merely particles, known as photons, which as we know are broken down to a universal filament that is the source of vibrations for all matter. Everything has their own unique vibration, or signature if you will, that allows our brain to distinguish and interpret what we are sensing.

So as we look at, say this computer, which is only light/vibration (synonyms), it emits a certain light cluster. This light cluster goes into our eyes and is transmuted from there into electricity. This electricity then travels along our nerves to the  back of the brain where it gets downloaded. In essence everything we “see” is a projection coming from the back of the brain known as the occipital lobes. This area of the brain is coincidentally where our dreams originate from.

Lets simplify a little bit here. When we “see” something it is what our brain TELLS us we see, when we smell something it is only what our brain TELLS us we smell. The same can be said for all the five senses.  When we sense something it is a matter of electrical signals going to the brain, which we then discern as “real”.

To take this one step further, our ENTIRE perceived reality is but a dream world in which our brain’s interpretation of light/vibrations dictates the illusion. Vibrations are filtered through our brain which portrays to us the dense world we are privy to.

What we our conditioned to think “reality” is from the time of our birth is based on a limited perspective. It is based on the limited perspective our rational, material based brain gives us. We are but a unique vibration derived from one higher consciousness experiencing a “type” of reality. I say type because, as physics can tangibly show us, there are sub-atomic vibrations creating everything that we sense around us, a “type” of reality we cannot yet relate to.

There are, however, those who have the ability to identify with this reality. For example, this is exactly what the 8th limb of yoga, estimated to be written over 2000 years ago, describes as samadhi. It is in essence the ability to merge one’s consciousness/unique vibration (synonyms)   with the source of all vibrations, the “unconscious”. The unconscious is a reality beyond our five senses. From this level of awareness, matter is no longer recognized as solid or dense, but only as the fluid vibration it truly is.

Thanks to physics and our understanding of how the brain works, we can now actually rationalize how this takes place. As we explored a little earlier, we are told what we perceive as “real” is merely the electrical signals our five senses portray on the movie screen that is our brain. Accessing the unconscious, such as when we sleep, happens when one transcends the five senses and detaches from the conscious brain.

When we sleep we unconsciously access the unconscious. In other words we seemingly have no conscious control of our dreams that take place in an unconscious state. There are however individuals that have learned the ability to  consciously access the unconscious. By perfecting techniques such as samadhi, they could access higher levels of perception that allowed them to see through our material reality. They were, in fact, able to connect to the QUANTUM REALITY. It is from this state our ancestors created the science of Nadi.

Quantum physics can also reassure us that time as we know it is actually part of this illusion of material reality. Time in fact is just another perception of the brain. I posted a video HERE  that explains this concept. Ever had deja vu? The past present and future all exist at once! In fact, there really is no such thing as the past or future, there is only the present.

When one accesses the unconscious, they are no longer bound by time. This phenomenon can be experienced in the dream state when you have a dream that seemingly lasts for hours, but will only register as a few minutes in “real” time.

The masters of consciousness that created the science of Nadi were privy to this timelessness and were able to consciously perceive “time” all at once. From this level, these masters were able to view different points in “time”, and record what they saw. This is how they were able to know what a particular consciousness/vibration/soul has done in the “past”, is doing in the “present”, and will do in the “future”.

The Nadi is then not based on superstition, religion, or fallacy, but is rather a highly sophisticated science that comes from an awareness above what our rational brain can interpret. It is nonetheless in complete harmony with the quantum reality that physicists commonly accept as truth, and deserves a more credulous recognition.

With Love,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Transcending Limitation: Walking The Highest Path

Modern science has advanced to where it now can comprehend and show that we are all the exact same energy expressed in various forms. This confirms what consciousness scientists of the past have documented thousands of years ago: we are all unique aspects of the SAME source, which makes us all EQUAL to one another. In fact, it makes us one in the same. Rather than viewing each other as separate, its time to embrace the concept that we are all one. 
So if we are all the same thing, why all the variation, why are we all split up? It is an interesting question that has a simple answer: to experience all thefacets of life, to increase intelligence, and to find our way back to our true-self. Each of us, through our own eyes, has a different perspective of  life, not one is the same. Understand there is no right or wrong way to experience life, rather it is about simply EXPERIENCING, however that may be for you.
What makes sense to me, may not make sense to you. What is “right” to me may not be for you. Everything in your life is there for a reason and exactly what you need. We create our own lives, and attract to ourselves the lessons we need to learn.
Why do we need to learn lessons? In order to master this life so we can move on to the next step on our path back to our divine selves. That is why we are here, and there an infinite number of ways to get back.  As unique as our vibration is, the same can be said for the paths we choose to take in life.
When we separate from the source of all-that-is, we go from the highest vibration down to the lowest so we can experience every aspect of life. Along this journey, in order to free ourselves from the lower realms of density, duality, and suffering, we must raise our vibrations back up. To raise one’s vibration, as per the natural laws of the universe, love and compassion are the key ingredients. Staying in a high, or positive vibration, allows us to attract positive experiences, where as staying in negative vibration allows us to attract negative experiences. We continue to attract negative experiences until we LEARN from them. Only then can we move on to the next stage of our evolution. 
Each time we are born we come into the life with a consciousness blueprint of our accrued knowledge and carry the lessons we need to learn from previous incarnations without having conscious memory of them. We go from one life to the next doing the same things we have always done in different ways unless we can grow and realize why we are here. The bueprint we come with is referred to by some as “Karma”.
It is important to reiterate that there is no right or wrong, each person is on their own unique journey, and all end up at the same place in the end. Having good or bad karma is synonymous  to saying having high or low vibrations. Not only do we have to deal with our amassed karma thus far, we also obtain more karma in the current life.
This is where astrology is beneficial, and is why many successful and aware people in the world use or have used it. People like the world’s first billionare JP Morgan, Former US  Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, Nobel Prize winning physicist Albert Einstein, and many more. It is a map to your on-going consciousness and acts as a guidebook to ones life.  Many people near the end of their birth cycles, and ready for ascension, are attracted to it as it offers a very distinct advantage. What is ascension? Ascension is what physicists would call the raising of ones vibration, it is the progression of your unlimited consciousness to the next level.

One of the most prevalent examples is the story of Jesus Christ. Jesus turned his body into light and transcended the dense, lower vibrations of this reality as documented in the bible.
Also in the bible, Paul states in the Corinthians:
“This flesh and blood body will not inherit the kingdom”
We cannot experience “heaven” in this physical body, and this is precisely the same teaching at the heart of almost all religions. Every religion  has their own name for this light body: The resurrected body, rainbow body, diamond body, body of bliss, sun body, and the the list goes on. Swami Ramilingam is one of the more recent cases, as he turned his body into light in 1874 which was well documented by the British, as India was a colony of theirs at the time. Ramilingam personally documented, and went into great detail, on to how he did it, and the experiences he had during the process.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not the other way around. Again we have Paul in the Corinthians reminding us that our bodies are temples for the holy spirit. The spirit is our true form we must reconnect with. While in this physical experience our body is likable to  a cocoon, and striving to emerge from it is the butterfly we truly are. In order for this to happen, in order for us to “inherit the kingdom”, we have to free ourselves from our “karma” thereby cleansing our consciousness and purifying our soul. There are many ways to accomplish this, and there are sciences that help facilitate the process. One such science is Nadi Astrology.
Nadi Astrology is a specific discipline within astrology that specializes in the lifting and removal of karma.  It is a consciousness identification science that originated from the higher realms/vibrations in order to help those of us who are seeking to change their destiny and transcend the limitations of our current perspective.
To be clear, it is NOT a requirement to do so, merely a specialized “tool” to speed up the process. It is a gift borne out of compassion from those who have gone through the process, left for those of us that are still going through it. Take advantage of this technology and put yourself on your highest path.

With Love,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something

The ancients have deciphered consciousness in ways modern science is just now coming to terms with. They have discovered everything is a fluid energy and the so called solidity of the world we see around us is only an illusion. Everything, including our consciousness, is a constantly flowing energy that has uniqueness based on the variance of vibrations. However, it all originates from the SAME infinite source.
Go look at your hand, a stick of gum, or a cardboard box underneath a microscope. You’ll find if you zoom in far enough they are all just a bunch of atoms. Atoms are composed of different types of particles that can be even further dissected. At the heart of it all is a tiny filament that, depending on how it vibrates, makes up the different things we see.
While this may be an abstract concept for some, it is indeed a common accepted truth among quantum physicists. Let me see if I can relay to you the implications of what I just said in simplistic terms: We are all the same damn thing! The only difference between the dust-bunny under your couch and a living, breathing human being is a vibration! Where does the vibration come from?
A complex consciousness that is far above the understanding of our rational mind, but just because it is hard for our minds to grasp, is no reason to simply dismiss it as unfounded or superstitious. It is a grand perspective that modern science is steadily catching up to, and one our ancestors have already grasped.
Have you ever stopped and marvelled at how beautifully synchronous nature is? How everything works in such perfect harmony? What is behind that, where does this order come from? IT is composed by a highly intelligent, fully conscious, and undeniably divine energy. To take it one small step further, look at the planets, stars, and the galaxy. EVERYTHING works together in ways that science still doesn’t fully understand.
For example, the different astrological cycles the Mayans recorded hundreds of years ago, some of the cycles reaching millions of years in length, are only now possible to calculate using computers! How the hell did they do that!? How did the yogis of India long ago identify and document what we now call the string theory without microscopes and computer aided models? The ancients were far more advanced than we have been led to believe.
By simply working with their consciousness and the natural laws of the universe, they uncovered how to alter their vibrations and were able to see through the illusion we currently experience. By obtaining a higher perspective of reality, they were able to tap into the unlimited and timeless intelligence of the universe, god, nature, or whatever word/vibration you feel comfortable using. Naturally, this allowed these spiritual scientists the ability to transcend linear time as we know it. This is precisely how the ancient technology called Nadi Astrology came about.
Consciousness explorers of the past tapped into the source of all-that-is, aka the source of the vibrations, and identified our individual vibrations that make our souls unique. Although we are all connected through the same microcosmic energy, we do have our own unique vibration. This explains how people of the same cultural and social upbringing can have such a diverse perspective. Why, for example, some people easily understand math, and others just do not process it as fluently. Everything from your financial situation, relationships, and intelligence is part of your ongoing unique consciousness/vibration and 100% identifiable.
If you were only willing and able to experience what it is to identify your particular Nadi leaf, and see how undeniably accurate it is down to birthmarks and even the exact time when you decide to have it read. Your skepticism would not only disappear, it would be forgotten faster than you can say NO WAY! This science is above superstition and above most of our understandings. It is in fact a highly sophisticated discipline that can now be collaborated with the rationality given to us by quantum physics.
So leave your pre-conditioning behind you and step into your truth.

With Love,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How To Love Yourself

How to love yourself? Be in the moment, be happy for who you are and what you have. Widen your perspective outside your comfort
zone, allow yourself to grow. Realize everything happens for a reason and life is an opportunity to better yourself. There are no right and wrongs, there just is. Be compassionate to yourself. There is a quote that I believe sums it up by Judith Dagley that I try to read every day:
“Practice Compassion Within, because withing you is where you must set the template for everything you see reflected around you. Be the diamond you are, value it.”
We are all diamonds, and just like diamonds we need polishing in order to bring out our luster. For a lot of us there are unseen blocks in our life that we may or may not see. This is why the Nadi Science is so beautiful because it shows you what the blocks are and REMOVES THEM. It shows you EXACTLY where you need polishing to allow yourself to shine your true beauty. This science is truly a gift if one could only make use of it. Let go of your pre-conditioned thoughts that keep you in your comfort zone and experience liberation. Experience what it feels like to truly be in control of your life in a way you may never have thought possible. I can tell you that not only is is possible, it is meant to be.

With All My LOVE,

Love: Does Anything Else Matter?

What does it mean to say you love , does it mean nothing else matters? What I have found is it does. Love is an important part of life, something everyone she be apart of. With love in your life, happiness is easy to come by, smiling is like breathing, and joy seems to follow you wherever you go. This is possible for everyone to experience, not just a select few. What in your life makes you happy? What do you love? Everyone could use more love, and there are many different ways to love. Striving to be and have love will bring you just that. To truly be in love you must first start with yourself. Once you can love yourself, everything else falls into place. This is where going inside and having your own personal relationship with yourself is important. Once this relationship with yourself blossoms, you will see everything around you lighting up like the perfect day. You will have a new found perspective of the world, and you will see this develop in your relationships with others. Once love is firmly rooted within you, you no longer get caught up in the “daily drama” or negativity, and how can you? When love is present within, negativity relinquishes its power over you and becomes a thing of the past.  Your love shines out because it it sincere within. Once this takes place, nothing else but love matters. Take this to your heart, and you will change your life.

With MY Love,

Friday, February 10, 2012

My experience with the ancient science of Nadi Astrology

My name is Ryan Irving and I am an aspiring entrepreneur, lover of life, and a pursuer of the highest knowledge. In my short time on this planet, 27 years, I have lived an experience rich life. Upon graduating from high school, I enlisted in the Marine Corps Infantry. Two combat tours later, I was lucky to still be alive. After a seven month stint in Afghanistan I redeployed to Iraq shortly thereafter. While on a routine patrol I was severely wounded by a roadside bomb. I almost lost my leg and am lucky to be here.
What’s the point? After my five years serving, I returned home with an entirely new perspective. Seeing how less fortunate people in the world lived with my own eyes, gruesome images of “war” firsthand, and coming close to never making it home, I began to ask, what the hell I am doing here?  Is this the best I can do? It drove me to question life, and strive to seek a better way of living. Once I started asking these questions, I began a quest to figure out the purpose of life. This is how I fell into spirituality. What is spirituality? To me it is the recognition that we are actually spirit and more than this flesh and blood body. Upon going through this reality check, I began to walk a different path. I finally felt like for the first time there was a purpose to life.
I continued to seek out as much information as I could about what exactly that purpose was. This thirst for clarity led me, as it has led you, to learning about Nadi Astrology. Nadi Astrology is an ancient technology based on the  translation of thousands of years old palm leaves. I learned that through this reading, I would have access to information from not only the present, but my past and future as well. Impossible you say? Whether true or not, I HAD to find out for myself. Admittedly, I was slightly skeptical, but after the first five minutes of the reading I knew I had found what I was looking for.  I watched a gentleman right in front of me via Skype, start rattling off fact after fact off of this ancient leaf! I was blown away by the accuracy. Hand on heart, here is a brief list the nadi leaf nailed within the first few minutes:
  • I was firstborn
  • I had one unmarried younger sister
  • I worked for a private company in sports related field
  • I was currently in college
  • My mother was working for a financial institution
  • My dad would be working for a company that deals with machinery
  • Had been in the military, was retired, suffered a significant injury to my lower leg, and was receiving government money
Wow! I was in awe. I felt like I had just found my own personal holy grail; here are the coinciding facts upon the time of the reading:
  • I am the oldest one of one other sibling, the youngest being my one younger, unmarried sister.
  • I work for a private fitness company as a personal trainer
  • I am pursuing my college degree in business
  • My mother is a VP at a credit union
  • My dad works for a printing company that employs large printing presses to produce their goods
  • I was in the military as I have already stated, was exposed to an explosion that almost tore off my lower right leg, and am receiving disability pay from the government

And that was just the beginning! I was practically drooling to hear more and I could not stop smiling! Whatever skepticism I had prior to the reading was completely irrelevant at this point. Not only was the reading spot on, I knew deep down with my own intuition that it was the real deal.
It has helped me to connect the dots within my own life, and has given me access to the big picture. I was able to look at my life from a different perspective and see not only why I am living the way I am, but how I can live better. The reading  identified the blocks in my life, their cause, and offered remedies to clear them. After having the reading and remedies done, I feel like a new person. The most noticeable consequence thus far has been my new found consistent positive outlook. The clarity that this ancient technology has given me has given me the reassurance that I am on the right path, and I am now in control of how I want to walk it. I have felt a lot lighter emotionally and not as easily swayed by negativity, particularly my own negative thoughts and emotions, whereas in the past I was very susceptible to get bogged down and dwell on it. Now that I have the big picture and realize what I am here to do, I find it much easier to remain detached from all things that do not resonate with the way I want to live. Another bonus is my relationships have improved across the board. It is easier to enjoy yourself and others when your outlook on life is an unwavering positive one!
It is my sincere hope that by creating this website more people become aware of the EXTRAORDINARY benefits this technology offers. My goal is to provide an informative space where people can learn about what nadi technology is all about and how it fits in to their lives. It has had, and is having, a tremendous impact on my life, and I can tell you without batting an eye, it will do the same for yours. So thank you for visiting and may this this site provide you with the profound clarity myself and many others have experienced. May it be a stepping stone on your path to living the divine life you were meant to live.

With all my Love,
Ryan  Irving